YouTube Channel Mastery Reloaded Walkthrough Video

Adam Payne, one of the most ethical marketers I know – and also one of the best teachers in IM – has released a new product called YouTube Channel Mastery Reloaded. 

Video marketing is his area of expertise… and he really is an expert at it. He doesn’t just teach this stuff, he actually does it himself every day of the week – which is why if you want to learn anything about video marketing, he is the man to listen to.

He has recorded this short video to give a sneak peek to the new course, and I thought it was a very good overview – so I ‘stole’ it and posted it here for you to see 🙂

He explains exactly what the course itself covers – and why he created it –  and he also tells you in advance what the upgrades are (there are only 2).

I got a copy of this myself, and I think it’s excellent. To be honest, I knew it would be good before I got it – Adam’s stuff always is. 

No fluff, no filler, just step by step actionable content taught well by someone who knows this stuff inside out.

YouTube is a massive source of free traffic – if you know what you’re doing.

But if you’re anything like me, the problem is that you started putting videos up on YouTube before you really knew what you were doing.

There was no plan. There was no targeting. There was no strategy.

And the result?

No traffic.

Which is why YouTube Channel Mastery Reloaded is such a welcome product.

Having a properly set up and optimized channel is very important if you want to take video marketing seriously.

YouTube has a particular way they like to see videos set up, and more precisely, how a channel is set up.

Adam  has a tried and tested formula for creating a YouTube channel and videos within it the way that YouTube LOVES – and rewards.

Hence, his ranking – and earnings.

His course is split into easy to follow modules containing over-the-shoulder videos detailing each component part of Adam’s YouTube success

Here is an overview what’s included

  • Introduction – YouTube channel overview & roadmap
  • Module 1: Build The Idea – all about choosing your niche and your branding
  • Module 2: Build The Structure – the nuts and bolts of setting up your channel
  • Module 3: Analytics – all about reach, building your audience and getting engagement
  • Module 4: Build The Brand – all about how to use your channel to build your authority and influence
    YouTube Tools

And one of the beauties of this training is that every one of these modules is split into very short, easy to find videos, covering every aspect.

The layout makes it super easy to follow – and super easy to revisit if you need to check how to do something.

This is GREAT training, from an expert who can rank a video for pretty much any keyword.

We all know how big YouTube is, no need to go over that again… so if you want to do any YouTube marketing,  I recommend you get a copy of this. You must get the foundations right, so the first thing to is to set up your YouTube channel properly. With this training, you can be sure you are not wasting your time and effort.

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