My name is Val Wilson – that’s me in the picture above, top right.
That’s right… I am NOT a woman 🙂
I still regularly get letters addressed to Mrs Val Wilson, much to the amusement of my wife and kids 🙂
I own Tickety Marketing, and I’ve been involved in internet marketing since about 2008, though my background is nothing to do with this. I studied business, worked in public sector housing for about 5 years, then came home to the family farm in Northern Ireland in 1996.
I got involved in IM for a number of reasons. Without boring you with the details, I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a condition that means I am gradually going blind (if you’re interested you can learn more at the RNIB website here).
So the everyday practical work of a farm was not going to be sustainable in the long run, I needed an alternative source of income.
But also, and let’s be honest here, farming is hard work and I was sucked in with all the false promises made on the ‘Get Rich Quick’ sales pages – you know the type I mean. So I was duped into thinking that internet marketing would be an easy way to make money without having to do any real work.
It wasn’t.
The number one lesson I have learnt is that if you do not put the work in, you will NOT make money online. A dollar here and there, yes, but no more. No consistent income, certainly no passive income, no real business.
And worse still I fell for this time and time again, buying every bright new shiny object that came alone promising to solve my problems… only to be disappointed again.
To be fair, I am not the only one. In fact. there is a whole industry built on creating ‘new’ products out of rehashed ideas that are already out there, making ludicrous ‘do nothing/get rich’ claims, and selling them to wannabe marketers who know no better.

I’ve tried lots of different ways to make money online, some successful, some a complete flop. But I have learnt a lot, even from the failures. Maybe especially from the failures.
All this trying and failing and keeping trying until I found what worked for me means I am in a good position to help you succeed online.
In the IM niche, my main focus is on product creation and affiliate marketing – particularly on creating ‘Done For You’ solutions for others interested in making money online. These are both in the IM niche, and in other non-IM niches.
I also have several authority niche sites where the main focus is on earning affiliate income through SEO, social media and email marketing.
If you just want quick riches with no effort, I’m not your man. But if you’re prepared to learn, to work, and to overcome the inevitable hurdles, I can definitely help.
Join my list by filling in the form on the right, and as well as the free gift you’ll get a lot of helpful tips and tricks to help you make money online. Or if you want to contact me direct, click here to email me.