Thanks for getting a copy of Andy Waring’s No Cost Start 2 Online Success through my affiliate link.
The bonus software I have created for you make it a lot easier for you to set up the email sequence.
And the extra training bonuses have been carefully chosen to complement this offer. These are genuinely useful products – paid products – that you are getting for free, and which WILL help you build your list and make sales.
Just fill out the fields below, then download the zip file at the end. I have included 2 versions of the emails – one a text version, but there is also an HTML version.
The HTML one is the one I recommend you use – if you copy the emails from this into the html editor in your autoresponder, it makes it much easier as all the hyperlinks, formatting etc is already all done for you.
If you’re not sure how, your autoresponder will have instructions.
But if you prefer to add your own formatting, just use the text version.
Good luck with your new funnel 🙂
If you have any questions, contact me at the support link below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks again,