This is an in depth report by Dennis Becker & Barb Ling which I recently bought Private label Rights (PLR) to. Most PLR is restricted in what you can do with it, but this particular offer is what they called ‘Viral PLR’ – so that means that it also comes with the rights to rebrand and allow others to share it.
So you’ll see when you download the report from the link above that there are affiliate links to various products included – in this case these are my affiliate links, which I added using their custom rebrander (took about 30 seconds).
If you work in the IM niche and want to get the full PLR rights to this report so you can add YOUR affiliate links, this is available here – at the time of writing, for less than $9.
Note that there is also a link at the end of the report itself to get these rights, but the price is much higher ($27 rather than $8.97) – so if you like the content of the report and want to add your own affiliate links, get it from here, not from the report itself!
You also get a fully editable version of all the content, so you can split it up and reuse the content in any other way you want – as training products, blog content, ecourse content, and whatever else you can think of.
I think it’s very good content, but you can judge for yourself before you decide to buy it
Hope this helps.
Any questions, contact me at the support link below.