Simple ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ system quickly gives clarity and confidence for your business ideas…

How to Choose Your Niche Market

Attract Hungry Buyers With Money… Make a Difference in the Lives of Others… And Fall In Love With What You Do

Step One

Watch the Video Training or Read the Transcript

Step Two

Use the Fill-in-the-Blank Scorecards

Step Three

Choose Your Hungry Buying Market

5th March 2025

From the desk of Val Wilson

What if there was a simple formula that helped you to choose the right market with bulls-eye accuracy?

And what if this formula took all the most important factors into play including what products are already selling, how passionate the market is, and how much money is already flowing?

And what if you were able to customize the formula for your own background, skills, and abilities to find what works for you…with just a few clicks?

How much would something like this be worth…a formula that gave you certainty the business you’re investing time, money, and effort into every day will payoff, because you have numbers to back it up?

For everyone who hits the jackpot online there are at least a dozen others who continue to stumble blindly month after month.

These heartbroken entrepreneurs give it their all, but never seem to turn the corner from spending money to making money online.

Their dream dies stillborn before it ever has a chance to grow.

Because they never had clarity or confidence in their ideas.

And it’s easy to understand why.

What passes for advice on choosing your market online is often limited to…

“Follow Your Passion”


“Do What You Love and The Money Will Follow”

Too often this advice ends in discouragement, heartbreak, and eventual failure for the majority who travel it.

It doesn’t matter how passionate you are about a topic if it’s difficult to reach an audience of buyers…or if you quickly get lost in a sea of competitors.

You must find the intersection of passion and profits.

In addition, many of us struggle to identify what we’re truly passionate about as well.

Interests come and go.  That hobby you love can quickly turn to drudgery when you have to do it for a living every day.

And most of us are overwhelmed with too many ideas!

How do you sort through the haze of almost unlimited opportunities available to us today…and choose the right offer for the right market at the right time?

Step-By-Step System Identifies Your Best Ideas, Scores Their Profit Potential, and Shows You How to Quickly Test Them to Find Your Winning Market…

No more confusion.  And no more overwhelm.

Just clear instructions on how to find a hungry buying audience you can affordably reach, consistently communicate with, and build a profitable online business…no matter your background or previous experience.

See, that’s part of the system itself.

It’s not one-size-fits-all.

It gives you simple adjustments you can make based on your talents, skills, and background.

Whether you’re starting at ground zero…or you’ve successfully run a business in the past…you can follow along with this system and in just a few hours know with confidence you’ve made the right choice.

Here is just a taste of what’s included in this online course…

Uncover New Markets You Never Even Considered.

Find Your Hook in 60 Minutes or Less.

The first step to success online is choosing the right niche market for you.

This simple formula is designed to help you choose a profitable market…whether you’re creating online courses, consulting, coaching, blogging, publishing a podcast, starting a Youtube channel, or staking your claim as a social media influencer.

It can also be used for choosing a niche market for any type of ecommerce product…or simply selling other people’s products as an affiliate.

What’s in the Choose Your Market Toolkit?

This recorded workshop takes you by the hand and guides you step-by-step to choosing your hungry buying market.

You will gain immediate access to 8 training videos totaling 1 hour 53 minutes in length.  

Each video gives you a simple exercise to brainstorm market ideas, refine them, score them, and choose them.  

In addition, you also receive all 8 videos combined into one mp3 audio you can download, take with you, and listen to on the go.  

And for those who prefer to read, the videos have been transcribed into a 42-page written report in PDF format accessible on your computer or any digital device.

Watch the training, listen to it, or read it.  It’s your choice.  



30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee


Choose Your Market Cheat Sheets & Scorecard

Each step in the ‘Choose Your Market’ system comes with easy-to-follow implementation cheat sheets.  

This isn’t about adding another file to your online marketing collection.

It’s about taking action.

It’s about clearly identifying not just a hungry buying market, but one that is a good fit for you personally.

You’ll be taken by the hand and led through a series of simple exercises.

A proven series of questions help you brainstorm profitable markets for you.

Take your broad market ideas and niche them down to markets that have a clear audience you can easily target online.

Explore each market to discover what your audience already wants to buy.

Score your top markets with a series of 12 clearly defined questions.

Choose your hungry buying market and if you want…you’ll also be given a simple way to test that market before you dive into it fully.

Finally experience clarity and confidence in your business ideas.

Plus, you’ll be given two methods to get started immediately in your chosen market. 

Nothing is left to chance.  

Go through the training…and then follow along with the simple cheat sheets to choose your market.


Free Report: "Beginner's Guide to Making Money Online"

This 27-page PDF guide is the perfect addition to the “Choose Your Market” toolkit, because it gives you the strategy for launching a Lifestyle business effectively from Day One.

Stop wasting time and money on common online techniques that flat out don’t work…and distract you from the key leverage points that create long-term freedom and profits.

Here is just a taste of what’s included in this free bonus report…

This report is a $39 value all on its own…but you get it free with Choose Your Market.

Amazing Low Price

You get the 8 training videos, along with the mp3 audio, and the transcript so you can access the information in whatever format you choose.

You also get the Choose Your Market Cheat Sheets and Scorecard so you can implement these easy-to-follow steps and choose your profitable niche market.

And you get the free bonus report, “Beginner’s Guide to Making Money” so you can focus on the right steps to grow your online profits from day one.

There was a time where I was in the same place you are.  I know what it’s like to struggle with confusion and overwhelm.  You don’t want to waste valuable time or money on unprofitable ideas. 

You need clarity and confidence.  And that’s what this package gives you.

And once you see how effective this system is at helping you choose the right niche market for you…you’ll be open to other products and services I have available to help you grow your business faster.

So, I’m going to give you everything above for an irresistible price… just $19.  

Click the button below now.  

You’ll receive instant access to the member’s area and can get started immediately…


100% Money Back Guarantee

Try out “Choose Your Market” for a full 30 days.

If you don’t agree that it gives you the quickest and easiest way to choose a profitable niche market customized for you personally…or if you don’t feel like you have clarity and confidence in your choice…just contact our support system and let us know you want a refund.

You’ll get all your money back. No questions asked.

Eliminate Confusion and Overwhelm

Too many people spend months or even years wondering whether they’re in the right market.

Or even worse, they end up in a holding pattern where they keep spending money and studying about online marketing but never move forward.

Even the best of us can become completely paralyzed by confusion or overwhelm.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

There is a clear path ahead of you today.

All you have to do is say “Maybe.”

Give it a try.

Go through the system.  Follow the simple exercises.  Choose a profitable niche market.

Then move forward with either of the two plans given to you in the course.

I can’t guarantee you will make money, because I don’t know you or whether you will implement the advice given to you in this course.

But I can guarantee you a full refund if you decide it isn’t for you…for any reason.

Click the button below now to choose a hungry buying market… make difference in the lives of others… and fall in love with what you do… 

