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This Is Your Chance To Get Your Own
High Ticket Affiliate Funnel Created For You…
One That Will Earn Commissions Of $500, $850,
Even $2850 PER SALE! 

 Thank you so much for getting a copy of High Ticket Riches – promoting high ticket products really will make a MASSIVE difference to the amount you can earn as an affiliate.

In the 10 video course, I set out the steps you need to take to find the right offers, set up your own list building funnel, and sent traffic. If you actually take action, there is no reason why you too can’t be making high ticket affiliate commissions.

The upgrade offer I have created for you here is specifically designed to do one thing…

  To save you time… and lots of it 🙂  

I’ll get straight to the point. 

As you will see in the High Ticket Riches course, there is one product in particular that I strongly recommend you promote as an affiliate.

It’s not actually just one product, but a whole series of products by Dave Sharpe of Legendary Marketer – and this is (one of the reasons) why it is so good. The products range from very low ticket (as low as $1) right up to premium products that sell for $9,500. 

The low ticket products are a fantastic entry point, and a VERY easy sell for you as an affiliate. But this is where the real power of this comes in. The Legendary Marketer affiliate program is set up in such a way that you, as the affiliate, gets cookied for life.

So when you make that $1 sale, that customer is then in a long term sales funnel, where they will be offered a full range of higher priced products. 

Every time they buy, you will earn commission – FOR THE LIFETIME OF THAT CUSTOMER.

This is incredibly powerful. As you can see from the table below, there are a LOT of potential commissions you can earn.

Just for full transparency, I want to explain the ‘Pro’ and ‘Basic’ commissions in the table above.

Anyone can apply to be an affiliate of Legendary Marketer for free. You do have to go through an application process, but I show you in High Ticket Riches exactly what you need to do to get approved (and no, it does NOT involve paying thousands of dollars for one of their high ticket courses).

As a free affiliate, you will earn from 10-30% commissions – so your top commission will be $950.

Not too shabby 🙂

But there is also a Pro option, where you pay $29.95 per month, and for this you get extra promotional tools and training, but also higher commissions – from 30-60%, meaning a top commission of $2,850.

You do NOT need to do this, it is 100% optional.

Personally I am a PRO member, but if you do not want to pay the $30, you can still earn very good commissions as a free member.

I just want to clear this up and be totally transparent about the program.

So, with that out of the way, let’s look at what I am offering you here.

A Complete DFY List Building Funnel Promoting Legendary Marketer, with Your Own Fully Responsive Squeeze Page, Trust Building Bridge Page, 14 Day Follow Up Email Sequence, AND Your Own Affiliate Marketing Blog!

Your Own High Converting Squeeze Page

high converting squeeze page

With this high converting squeeze page, all you have to do is add your optin code & a few personal details, using  my custom made software, upload it to the net, and you’re good to go!

The reason you need to add the personal details is because it comes complete with ALL the legal pages you need.

This is a simple but proven squeeze page, fully mobile responsive, and it WILL convert.

You don’t need ANY technical ability to edit these pages – I have created a custom made software that allows you to add your details to with just a few clicks.

Your Own Bridge Page

Rather than sending your new subscribers straight to the paid offer, the proven way to increase conversions and MASSIVELY improve your email open rates is to first send your new subscribers to a personalised bridge page.

This is where you introduce yourself, explain what the main offer is, and start to build that relationship with your new subscribers.

This has already been created for you, complete with a professional introductory video – both male and female, you choose! You also have the option to create and upload your own video – and I even include the script you can use for this if you decide to do this.

Again, this is set up in my simple software, meaning that you can add your picture, details (and video if you choose) with just a few clicks.

A Full 14 Day Follow Up Email Sequence

This is the place where many affiliate marketers fall down – what to send to your new subscribers, and how to build that relationship of trust.

Well, I’ve got you covered there too!

You’ll be getting 14 high quality autoresponder messages. These are designed to build a relationship and trust with your subscribers, while also promoting the Legendary Marketer products.

Dave Sharp of Legendary Marketer has provided a lot of great free extra training resources, all perfect as different entry points into the products you will be promoting.

I have incorporated these into this series of emails so giving real value.

Since the content is such high value, you’ll build trust with your subscribers, which means they will be SO much more likely to go with your recommendation.

And even this is done for you.

Most of the emails contain a link to the recommended product – most, not all, because some are just value based tips… remember, relationship building is key to your success.

The complete autoresponder series has also been set up in custom made software, meaning that you just fill in a few details (such as your affiliate ID, your name, etc), click a button and all 14 emails will contain all YOUR details, and be ready to upload straight to your autoresponder.

Your Own Affiliate Marketing
Niche Site

Rather than just a squeeze page, you get your own

Complete Affiliate Marketing Niche Authority Site!

  • Custom Made Design and quality content ONLY available here...
    ** This is NOT for sale anywhere else **
  • Beautiful professional design with premium plugins included
  • Squeeze page incorporated into site AND lead collection on every page (This is GOLDEN!)
  • Presells the Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge
  • Includes a full product review (1300+ words)
  • Pre-populated with 10 quality, keyword rich articles and images
  • Fully monetized and easily customised with YOUR affiliate links
  • Full set up instructions included

  Ok… How Much Will All This Cost?  

This could EASILY Sell For $197
(the emails alone are worth WAY more than that!)

But I Want To Reward Action Takers...

you can get The High Ticket Complete DFY Funnel for

Buy With Confidence

I am totally confident you will love this.

You can already see how much is included here, how much work has went into this,
and how much work this will save you… I just know you’re going to love what you get.

But if – for whatever reason – you are not totally happy with what you get here today,
just drop me an email within 30 days and I’ll happily give you a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.

This is the easiest way you will EVER see
to get started as a high ticket affiliate marketer.
With this offer you really can hit the ground running with your brand new site, collecting subscribers and making sales... without doing any of the work

Yes, I Want a Shortcut to Start Promoting High Ticket Affiliate Offers Right Away... I'm In!

  • My Own High Converting Squeeze Page complete with an exit pop - Done For Me!
  • My Own Trust Building Bridge Page - promoting one of the best high ticket offers on the market - Done For Me!
  • A Full 14 Day Email Sequence of professionally written, quality emails that will get opens, clicks, and sales - Done For Me!
  • All Set Up In Custom Made Software to make adding my details, affiliate links, etc incredibly easy - all done in 7 clicks!
  • My Own Affiliate Marketing Niche Site complete with 10 professionally written posts and a full review of Legendary Marketer, perfect to build my authority in this niche - Done For Me!

When The Timer Hits Zero, This Price Will Rise

See you in the member’s area 🙂

To Your Success,

Copyright © Tickety Marketing Ltd